Preventing the spread of flu at work

The single best way to reduce the risk of seasonal flu and its potentially serious complications in the workplace is to offer employee flu vaccines each year.

But now that we’re in the midst of flu season, here are other actions recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that also help stop the spread of flu.

  • Routinely clean frequently touched objects and surfaces, including doorknobs, keyboards and phones, to help remove germs.
  • Make sure the workplace has an adequate supply of tissues, soap, paper towels, alcohol-based hand rubs and disposable wipes.
  • Improve air quality by bringing in fresh outside air and purifying indoor air. Cleaner air can reduce the risk of exposure to viruses.

Encourage employees to …

  • Go home if they are beginning to feel­ sick and stay home if they are sick.
  • Cover their mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
  • Avoid touching their eyes, nose or mouth because that can spread germs.
  • Wash hands often.

And, yes, we’re still offering the flu vaccine. Give OCCMed Jackson a call if you want to set up flu shots.