We have the following job openings ...
Off-siteLicensed LPN
Licensed LPNs to work offsite in industrial clinic setting. Send resume to OCCMed Director Jennifer Carmack.
Off-siteOCCMed LPN for jail
Full-time, licensed LPN to work in jail setting. Hours are 8am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday. Send resume to Jennifer Carmack.
JacksonLicensed X-ray Tech
Full-time and Part-time licensed X-ray technicians for weekend shifts. Please send questions and resumes to OCCMed Director Jennifer Carmack.
JacksonRadiology Technologist
Part-time and PRN Radiology Technologist. Applicants must be state certified and registered. Experience required. Send resume to OCCMed Director Jennifer Carmack.
JacksonOCCMed Medical Assistant
Full-time OCCMed Medical Assistant. The employee will work Monday in Jackson and Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at an off-site clinic in Brownsville. Please send questions and resumes to OCCMed Director Jennifer Carmack.