Our renovated audio unit offers increased capacity

Our expanded and renovated audio unit means we can get more hearing tests done at a time and have less interruption on your work production.

“We‘ve increased the capacity of the audio unit at the request of our OCCMed clients,” said Jennifer Carmack, OCCMed director.

With no extra on-site setup fee, we can do up to 30 hearing tests every hour and take care of your OSHA-required hearing-conservation training.

Loss of hearing is the third most common chronic physical health condition among adults, and occupational exposure is the cause in one in four adults who have hearing loss.

As an employer, you are required to assess your employees’ hearing annually and educate them in hearing conservation. Our team of CAOHC-certified hearing conservationists conduct all hearing tests. They can help you safeguard your employees’ hearing and comply with all  regulations.
We also can help identify places at your worksite that have dangerous noise levels so you can safeguard employees with proper hearing protection.

Why choose us?

  • Our audio unit is designed with you in mind.
  • We are happy to schedule any shifts you need tested, any time of day.
  • CAOHC-certified Occupational Hearing Conservationists, supervised by a medical doctor, conduct all hearing tests.
  • Our computer-controlled audiometer exceeds all ANSI S3.6-1989 requirements.
  • Test instructions can be given in 11 different languages.
  • We provide the required employee notification letters at no additional charge, relieving you of that regulatory burden.
  • Because we are local, repeat testing for those with a presumptive STS can be done in our office at the employee’s convenience.
  • Upon completion of all testing, the data is reviewed, adjusted for age (as required), compared against baseline and finalized. Reports are returned to your designated representative, usually within 72 hours.           

Schedule our audio unit at your worksite by contacting Carmack at 731-984-8400 or jennifer@occmedjackson.com.