The case for a healthier workforce
A Brigham Young University study of nearly 20,000 workers found that employees with unhealthy habits are causing substantially higher levels of lost workplace productivity.
- Employees with unhealthy diets were 66 percent more likely to report having a loss in productivity.
- Even worse, employees who had difficulty exercising during the day and employees who rarely ate fruit were 96 and 93 percent, respectively, to more likely have increased productivity loss.
“Total health-related employee productivity loss accounts for 77 percent of all such loss and costs employers two to three times more than annual healthcare expenses,” said researcher Ray Merrill. “This certainly suggests the value of health promotion programs in workplace environments.”
“Making fruits and vegetables available to employees in the workplace and having leadership who play a supportive role with employee wellness is critical to office productivity.”
We can help!
Take the first step to encouraging employees to be healthier by contacting OCCMed Director Jennifer Carmack at 731-984-8400 or
Physicians Quality Care OCCMed can help you set up a health fair, start an employee exercise program, offer healthy food classes or begin other health-related initiatives at your workplace.