One size doesn't fit all
Typically, “one size fits all” is marketed as a convenient, cost-effective option. For personal protective equipment (PPE), however, “one size fits all” is not just ineffective; it’s dangerous.
Ill-fitting PPE poses a significant risk to worker safety. Ill-fitting gloves, for example, could slip off at the worst time or compromise a worker’s grip, causing him or her to drop a heavy load.
And, if the PPE gets too uncomfortable, workers may choose not to wear it.
That’s why any company-issued PPE should be appropriate for the job and available in a range of sizes so that every worker can find one that fits properly.
If there are no sizes available, then the PPE should have clasps, ties or Velcro straps to allow the wearer to adjust the fit based on their comfort level.
If you have questions, Physicians Quality Care OCCMed can help you identify specific hazards in each department and then recommend the most suitable, task-specific PPE.
Source: OH&S