T’was nearly Christmas
… and all through the place
Employees were working at such a fast pace.
Holiday goods were piled with care
In hopes all would be finished — no time to spare.
Office folks were working, all snug at their desks,
While numbers and profits danced like big checks.
The boss in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap
Had just settled our focus to avoid any gaps
When out in the plant, there arose such a clatter;
I sprang from my desk to look into the matter.
Away to the plant floor, I flew like a flash,
Tore open the door and made a big dash.
Employees were coughing, looking quite sick
When I knew what I needed was more than St. Nick.
I flew to my phone, called Physicians Quality Care
And knew OCCMed Jackson soon would be there.
More rapid than eagles their mobile clinic came;
Director Jennifer called them by name.
Now, Nathan! Now, Angel! Aundreia, Rhonda and Kelly!
On Whitney! On, Janina! On Kim, Ron and Bailey!
With a wink of their eyes and a nod of their heads
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
They spoke not a word, went straight to patient care,
Checked temps, gave shots, medicine — left nothing to spare.
When finished with all, they turned with a jerk,
I knew my employees could finish their work.
OCCMed folks sprang to their truck, gave out a whistle.
The clinic vanished like the down of a thistle.
But I heard them exclaim, ‘ere they drove out of sight —