It pays to reduce stress in the workplace
Whether it is living through a pandemic, a war, political discord or all of the above, it’s no surprise that employees are feeling more stressed than ever.
And it’s clear that employee stress directly impacts employers. According to a recent American Psychological Association (APA) survey, nearly three in five employees have experienced negative impacts of work-related stress in the past month, including a lack of interest, motivation or energy; difficulty focusing; and a lack of effort at work.
The APA survey also found that employees who typically feel tense or stressed out during the workday are more than three times as likely to say they intend to seek employment elsewhere in the next year.
Here are some steps to consider to reduce employee stress at work.
- Offer flexible hours. Employees who have some control over their work hours tend to be more satisfied.
- Allow telecommuting.
- Support the use of paid time off. Even though taking time away from work to recharge is important, many employees feel that their employer frowns upon the use of leave and may even penalize them if they do.
- Encourage employees to take care of their health.
- Provide resources and support. For example, hold a wellness fair or offer mental health benefits.
- Ask employees what they need. Try a focus group or anonymous surveys.
Source: SHRM