Procrastination: Conquering the Inner Demon

Do you find yourself waiting until the last minute to finish a critical document? Are meetings often scheduled just in the nick of time? Is the production of your work calendar a quarterly nightmare?

If you recognize any of these scenarios, procrastination may be sneaking into your life, stealing valuable time, and eroding your productivity.

In trying to overcome procrastination, don't decide all at once that you will never do it again. Be reasonable and be fair to yourself. Start slowly. Give yourself time to break a habit
that has become ingrained and automatic.

For large, complicated or time-consuming projects such as formulating a budget, writing a new procedural manual, organizing a fundraiser, or learning Chinese, break it into small, manageable parts. Keep in mind that all projects, no matter how massive, are only a series of small items reassembled.

— HealthDay News