Create a workplace safety campaign

A safety campaign is a way for organizations to share what they’re doing to promote workplace safety and encourage employees to take ownership of the risks present in their day-to-day lives.

Creating a successful workplace safety campaign requires planning, collaboration with employees and stakeholders, and continuous engagement with employees throughout the year.

Take these steps …

  • Evaluate your workplace: Look at each area at your worksite, identify risks and determine how serious they are.
  • Look at risks to your employees: For example, do you have workers with disabilities or pregnant employees who are at greater risk?
  • Analyze, prioritize workplace hazards: List each hazard from most to least dangerous. Prioritize hazards that are likely to cause injury.
  • Educate employees: An accident is any event involving a workplace hazard that causes property damage or risks serious harm.
  • Record all accidents and injuries: Record the date, time and location of the accident; the type of accident; and the type of injury and its severity.
  • Start a mentorship program: Mentorship is a great way for employees to understand workplace safety in an informal setting.
  • Address security and privacy concerns: Your safety campaign should emphasize the importance of reporting accidents and assure that employee names will not be released.
  • Convene a team to create the campaign: Identify team members, choose a leader and set an official meeting date.
  • Make sure the campaign is ongoing. Safety is a continuous process that needs to be addressed year-round. Source:

We can help! Contact Jennifer Carmack at 731-984-8400 or