Holiday eating ahead!
Most of us tend to gain about one to two pounds during the holidays. On one hand, that’s not too bad — on the other hand, those pounds will add up.
Here are some suggestions on avoiding holiday weight gain.
1) Don’t Skip Meals. Skipping meals, particularly breakfast, usually results in overeating later in the day at that holiday party. Eat lots of fiber — fruits, vegetables and whole grains —which will satisfy hunger, but are lower in calories.
2) Eat Small Portions. As you look over that holiday table filled with foods you like, just put smaller portions on your plate. Even eating large portions of foods that are perceived as healthy should be done in moderation.
3) Pick a Strategy to Avoid Overeating. We all can adopt a strategy or two to help us avoid eating too much. A common one is to use a smaller plate, which allows you to put less food on your plate and encourages proper portion sizes.
Here are other strategies that could work for you: Fill your plate with vegetables and salad before going to the entrees and desserts. Eat a salad before your meal. Eat slowly and savor every bite. Before you go back for seconds, wait 10 minutes to see if you are still hungry.
4) Keep Moving. After dinner, get some physical activity. Go for a walk and or plan an activity that will keep you moving.
These strategies will help you avoid weight gain and still enjoy gathering with family, friends and coworkers.
Source: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics