Expanded OCCMed clinic will provide more convenient and efficient care
Employees injured on the job and those needing drug screens and physicals or other medical care in our OCCMed clinic in Jackson will soon reap the benefits of our expanded OCCMed facilities.
The 4,000-square-foot expansion, with an expected completion date in April, will make employee visits to our clinic much more convenient, said Jennifer Carmack, OCCMed Director.
Workers needing physicals, for example, will be seen in dedicated exam rooms, which will make their time in the clinic more efficient and shorten their time away from work.
OCCMed patients will continue to have a separate entrance so they won’t come in contact with sick patients in our urgent care clinic.
Work on the expansion is progressing. Walls are up; rooms are being painted; lighting is installed. Outside, the larger parking area will be paved as the weather warms.
The expansion is also creating more space for Physicians Quality Care primary care and physical therapy patients. The portico and reconstruction of their separate entrance is nearly done.
The uniqueness of the new OCCMed facility will showcase the expert care given by our providers, Carmack said. “They understand the importance of assessing injuries, doing tests and treating employees efficiently and with compassionate care. They understand the importance of completing any necessary paperwork quickly.”
Workers comp patients leave with completed paperwork, for example. And, our dedicated workers comp nurse will reach out to your safety manager or third-party administrator to make sure your employee gets the best care possible.
“We like to tour each workplace so we better understand the type of work and work environment,” Carmack said. “Now, we’re looking forward to giving employers tours of our new facility so that you better understand the quality of care we give your employees.”
You’re invited to partner with Physicians Quality Care OCCMed for your occupational health needs. Email Jennifer Carmack, OCCMed director, at jennifer@physiciansqualitycare.com.